Thursday 23 May 2013

Unit 2 - Communication Skills for Creative Media Production

In this unit I will be showing that I am able to communicate effectively in creative media production contexts in writing and orally. Doing this, I will be aiming to improve my functional communication skills, such as pitching ideas, writing proposals and constructing reports. Therefore I will develop my ability to communicate my thoughts and ideas through pitches, proposals and reports to a range of audiences using appropriate modes of address and forms of technology.

The learning outcomes for this unit are:
  1. Be able to extract information from written sources.
  2. Be able to create a report in a media production context.
  3. Be able to pitch a media production proposal using appropriate technology.

Learning Outcome 1

For this learning outcome I needed to be able to extract information from written sources such as books, journals, websites, magazines, newspapers and handouts.

In order to complete this task I had to look at 3 different PowerPoint's on the internet and evaluate them, showing why I liked/disliked them, why I could use this style in my own work, and what information I particularly liked.

Below is an example of a good and useful PowerPoint presentation I found. The slides offer a great amount of knowledge about the world we live in today whilst being entertaining for the viewer, without great blocks of text.

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