Saturday 25 May 2013

Unit 3 - Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industry

The aim of this unit is to develop understanding of and skills in research relevant to creative media production. I will present my findings in both written and oral forms and will learn how to cite and reference my sources.

The learning outcomes for this unit are:

  1. Understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries.
  2. Be able to apply a range of research methods and techniques.
  3. Be able to present results of research.

Learning Outcome 1

For this learning outcome I had to show I understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries.

Types of research:

Methods and sources of research:

Purposes of research:

Learning Outcome 2

For this learning outcome I needed to be able to apply a range of research methods and techniques.

Secondary research:
secondary research involved the summary and collection of existing research. This is used when doing market and legal research. This type of research could include reports, newspapers, magazines and journal content.
 Using "" I was able to find out some information relating to the games industry. Gamasutra is an online free version of 'Game Developer Magazine' containing weekly articles on game design and threads for discussion.

Primary research:
this type of research is done "out on the field" so to speak. It involves the collection of data which does not already exist, such as creating surveys and getting responses from particular people or the public.
I created a few surveys through the games development course using a site called "" It was very helpful in my virtual gallery research as I found out that most people would have liked a long corridor like gallery, so that is how I got my design choice.

Audience research:
Audience research can connect with primary research as you are gaining first hand feeback from them. As I stated before, I used a surveys website to gather feedback from the audience. I asked people that I knew went to a college to answer my survey for accurate feedback as the target audience were people around my age.

Market research:
For market research I looked at websites such as "", "" and "" to find out what's hot in the game market right now. I also looked at some reviews of games to find out which types gained the highest reputation. This will help as if I knew which genres are most popular, I should typically create a game based on that genre.

Production research:

Interpreting results:

Learning Outcome 3

For this learning outcome I needed to be able to present results of research.



Quotation and reference:

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